Neck Lift

Conveniently located to serve Kansas City, MO.


For visible signs of aging that are more pronounced in the neck and jawline, we offer neck lift surgery at Singhal Plastic Surgery. Singhal Plastic Surgery is led by board-certified plastic surgeonDr. Virender Singhal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out if you are a candidate for a neck lift in Kansas City.

What is Neck Lift Surgery?

Also known as Platysmoplasty or lower Rhytidectomy, neck lift surgery targets visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline areas such as:

  • A jowled appearance resulting from lax skin and excess fat
  • Fat accumulation underneath the chin
  • Loose skin in the neck
  • Muscle banding in the neck

In addition to the natural aging process, these cosmetic concerns can also be caused by heredity, stress, and environmental conditions.

What to Expect During Neck Lift Surgery

During neck lift surgery, incisions are typically made in the chin area and, depending on the loose skin present, along the hairline at the level of the sideburn and continued around the ear. Based on your condition and cosmetic goals, underlying tissues are removed and repositioned. Excess fat is either redistributed, repositioned, or extracted.

After Dr. Singhal removes excess tissues, the remaining skin is re-draped to create tighter, more youthful contours. All incisions are carefully placed. Dr. Singhal takes as much care as possible to limit visible scarring.

Am I a Good Candidate for Neck Lift Surgery?

Men and women who either do not want or do not qualify for full facelift surgery and/or those who have visible signs of aging primarily in the lower face, may be candidates for neck lift surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Singhal will assess several factors including your health, medical history, cosmetic goals, and expectations for surgery. He can then determine if neck lift surgery is right for you.

What is Neck Lift Recovery Like?

After neck lift surgery, bandages may be placed around your neck for two days in order to control bruising and swelling and to protect your new neck contours. Doctor Singhal will provide you with post-surgical instructions to properly care for your incision sites and help prevent complications such as fluid accumulation.

As every patient heals differently, Dr. Singhal will advise you on how much time you should take off from work. He will also provide recommendations for when you should be able to return to normal and more vigorous activities.

Cost of a Neck Lift in Kansas City

Every neck lift surgery is different since every patient has distinct cosmetic concerns and aesthetic goals. As a result, the price of a neck lift varies.

The surgical techniques required, the total duration of the procedure, and whether you choose to combine your neck lift with additional cosmetic surgeries will affect the cost. Once Dr. Singhal has identified the best neck lift surgery approach for you, he will explain your procedure in detail and provide complete pricing information.

I Want to Learn More about Neck Lift Surgery

Under the care of Dr. Singhal, neck lift surgery can provide natural-looking results that last for many years. Contact Singhal Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation and find out if a neck lift in Kansas City is the best way to achieve your cosmetic goals.