Let us now help you understand, why choose Singhal Plastic Surgery over others:

We devote our time to you – Not only does Singhal Plastic Surgery have one of the highest ratings in the Kansas City area, the reviews tell a compelling story as to why. When you first put in a web lead, you receive a prompt, courtesy email and soon after that a call from a professional to assist you with your inquiry and in setting up an appointment for a consultation. The industry average for a new patient consultation is 18 minutes, while at Singhal Plastic Surgery, you get 60 minutes scheduled for your consultation. On an average a follow up visit gets 5 minutes and one feels like they’re being herded like in an ER, while at Singhal plastic Surgery you get a full 30 minutes or more for follow up visits. The timing for consults and follow up visits are aimed to maximize your privacy. Most of the time, there is minimal to no overlap between appointments. You will never see a waiting area full of other patients. Also, at Singhal Plastic Surgery, we are motivated by your satisfaction. For instance, a little while ago, a retired professional in her early 80’s underwent a cosmetic procedure. After attaining fantastic results, she brought up a minor concern which was addressed as a minor office procedure at no cost to her. Immediately afterwards, she wrote a 5 star review. You will find her review and many others on our website.

Our attention to your medical history – You are given the opportunity to fill out simplified intake forms ahead of your visit to make your visit much more informative. Instead of being met by someone who is just doing his/her job, you will feel comfortable being greeted by professionals who love what they do. There is no one in our office that is here to impress or show off to anyone, we aim to make you feel comfortable from the beginning.

You will meet directly with the surgeon – Instead of being evaluated by a consultant, nurse, or PA, you will receive a comprehensive consultation from Dr. Singhal. The consultation is detailed, covers all possible options, risks (and how to minimize them), pre procedure preparation and post procedure recovery. Instead of handing out a folder for you to figure out yourself, Dr. Singhal will go over all this in great detail with you. Several reviews on our website are from patients who did not have surgery for one reason or another but explained how they appreciated the detailed consultation with Dr. Singhal. The consultation at Singhal Plastic Surgery is considered as an introduction, assessment, and presentation of options and not as a conversion to a procedure.

We are available to our patients – Neither Dr. Singhal nor his office staff take emergency calls for anyone outside of our office, hence, everyone is always well rested, well prepared and looking forward to seeing you. You receive the same service when you come for your procedure and follow up visits. You are not rushed in or rushed out.

You will get the most value for your investment- Unlike insurance based coding billing systems, your cost is customized to your expectations and evaluation. Your cost at Singhal Plastic Surgery could be lower if the complexity is lower than average. Procedure quotes are transparent and fully explained to you. There are no hidden fees. You are given surgeon fees, facility fees and anesthesia fees based on time. There is no financial affiliation between these three businesses.

We give you detailed information regarding your procedure – Surgery consent forms are discussed in detail and given to you well in advance. This provides you sufficient time to review and absorb the information, and discuss with your loved ones before making a final decision. Nothing is minimized or exaggerated at Singhal Plastic Surgery.

We give you all the supplies you need – Singhal Plastic Surgery provides you most everything (except prescription medications) you will need to prepare and recover without any extra cost. Not only can these medical supplies add a significant cost, sometimes they are hard to find in local drug stores. Singhal Plastic Surgery works to minimize your stress. You will receive supplies at your pre op visit (usually 2 weeks before the procedure) and a list of your prescriptions that would be explained in detail to you. Prescriptions are electronically transmitted to your pharmacy at this appointment as well. This will ensure that you are ready for your procedure. You will continue to receive supplies in the recovery period until you are fully healed.

We provide personalized care – On the day of your procedure you will be greeted by Dr. Singhal and other professionals who are well rested, not tired or sick and were not on call the night before your procedure. Dr. Singhal will answer all of your questions and will be there with you until you go into the recovery room. Following your procedure, he will send a well explained text to you and your loved ones/caregivers immediately and stay in touch with you as long as needed. Additionally, you will receive an anesthetic block at your procedure from Dr. Singhal. This will help you to be comfortable going home and in making speedy recovery. Not every certified plastic surgeon is able to do this, however Dr. Singhal has training as an anesthesiologist and is able to provide this to you without any additional cost.

We provide care to you following your procedure – Your follow up is usually set up in advance (at your pre op appointment) and is within 1-3 days after your procedure. At Singhal Plastic Surgery, your first post op follow up may be offered over the weekend, depending on when your surgery was. You are given two 24/7 numbers that connect directly to either Dr. Singhal or our practice manager. Your questions and concerns are welcome and instantly taken care of, no matter how large or small.

We are here for you – Instead of being dismissive at many other practices, Singhal Plastic Surgery works tirelessly to assist its patients in accomplishing their goals. Please read our reviews and see examples of why choose Singhal Plastic Surgery over others.

Please let us know if the above explanation meets your consideration. If so, contact us through a website lead from our website or call the office at (816) 429-7576 during business hours.